Saturday, July 4, 2015

everything changes, and yet stays the same

So it's been, another long time, trying to get back into writing again, funny how things stay the same, yet seem so different than a few years ago. The same, is the dogs, the sheep, the llamas. The constants in life, tho ever changing. Lost a few good dogs over the past 2 years, which was real hard, but then there are the youngsters, Jos, Kell, and Lana.

Differences, well, seems there are a lot of them. The big thing is the Ranch will be sold, will be putting it up for sale asap, just getting some straightening up done. All those things, you think you have time for "later", comes time to leave, and it gets a bit nostalgic realizing you never, planted that tree, after all this time, never got the kennels how you wanted them, and never got the house painted. Sigh. Oh well and onward :-) oh yeah, I will no longer be offering sheep for rent or training others dogs. I will however be teaching obedience classes, puppy manners, all the basics. So that will be fun to get back into. Will get to keep the sheep I WANT, for MY dogs, and no one elses. fun? yes!

Not really sure where to go, just know out of California, too darn expensive here. And not a high elevation, which it a tough one! But after 2 bouts of pneumonia and "dying" one time, gunna listen to the Doctor!

Hopefully will end up somewhere green, where I can have more sheep! Just not doable here, no graze and the sheepmen are moving to other things and selling out. I wonder how that will effect our big sheepdog trials, that use the Range Ewes?

Looking forward to new adventures, for me and the animals, perhaps where ever we end up, I'll be able to live the dream, and be a shepherd on horseback :-) Altho, one horse is rather cowy, so that could be interesting, as she herds and cuts sheep... Anyone had experience w that?

                                          ( Shell as a stylish youngster)
For now... that's all and hope ya'll have been well :-) more to come... for Jos's experiences, will be posting on the blog, Jos's Journey. He's doing exceptionally well, and one of the most intuitive and willing Border Collies I've come across. Hope to have some pictures soon!

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